Hello there, my name is Daniel Midson-Short, and I have spent the past decade learning to become a better public speaker.

I created this site to share some of the best tips, ideas, and strategies I’ve uncovered thus far on my journey to become a professional speaker.

Inspirational speaking and sharing ideas is my passion in life. Having the privilege of an audience’s attention, and the chance to impact their lives is what I live for.

As a speaker, I give presentations and talks to groups ranging from 20 people all the way up to larger groups of 1,000. I have spoken all across the world from USA, UK, Europe and Australia.

I have competed four times for the World Championships of Public Speaking for Toastmasters International, reaching the Top 30 Speakers worldwide in 2014, 2015 and 2017, reach the finals of the World Championships in 2019.

In 2016, I delivered my first TEDx talk, titled ‘Pay Attention’. In 2017, I delivered a TEDxYouth talk titled Remote Control.

Public speaking is an art and a science. You can learn a lot of great techniques from others, and from there, you have to craft your own style.

I hope that some of these ideas are useful for you and that they help you deliver with more confidence, clarity, and enjoyment.
